Tiny mach-0 are fun

I suppose I’m just not good with this kind of things, e.g. maintaining a blog. Anyways, this post is about something easy and fun. I was asked about a tiny hello-world mach-o and since it was actually at least a year from last time I’ve been playing with a mach-o file it felt like a very good excuse for playing with them once again. First thing I did was to go over to www.

On MacOS 10.7 dyld randomization

First article for the blog, let’s talk about something I had in mind for a while. There has been a lot of talk about the introduced full ASLR on MacOS X Lion, so as soon as I had my hands on the OS I wanted to check which were the changes introduced. Let’s start from the very beginning, Mach-O. In order to understand what are the differences introduced in Lion, we need to first give a look at a Mach-O built on two different OSes, we will take as a reference Snow Leopard.

Hello world!

Welcome to my new blog! I decided it was time to give real life to this website since I never really cared too much 🙂 But hey, things change! I will make this the first place where I’ll post all the stuff I usually do – software engineering, reverse engineering, OS internals and everything else worth publishing here. I think that’s all for now 🙂